Mind Building Youth Forum 2024

Are You Ready? The CEW IV Foundation along with Tomorrow’s Cultivating Youth Inc will be hosting a fantastic mind blowing Youth Forum. To register for this great event select the button to download the form.

Youth Forum 2019: The Game Of Life

CEW Youth Forum was held on Saturday, May 4, 2019 8:00am-3:30pm At George Washington Middle School


What's In A Word- Vision Board
TMI- Social Media Etiquette

9-12 Grades & Up

You're Hired!- Resume Writing/Mock Interview
Counting Your Coins- Budgeting/Money Management

8th Grade- Younger

Facts Of Life- Sex Ed
Are You OK?- Bulling

Breakout Sessions

F.L.Y- First Love Yourself
(Guys & Girls)


Breakfast & Lunch Will Be Served
The CEW IV Foundation launched its 1st Youth Forum in October of 2007 and it has been an annual event since then. The Annual Youth Forum is an all day event that offers youth between the ages of 10-18 an opportunity to learn about self and how to interact with others. Each year youth are introduced, exposed and taught strategies and skills that will help them become responsible and productive members of society. That day is also enriched with male and female break-out sessions, breakfast, lunch, games and exercise to address the social, cultural, educational and recreational aspect of their lives.